Jones Soda Co.’s newest offering is a line of tea-juice blends laced with Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA), a naturally produced amino acid thought to boost focus and clarity while decreasing nervousness and distractability. It’s non-carbonated, just slightly sweet, and comes in four light-but-luscious flavors: Fuji Apple White Tea, Lemon Honey Black Tea, Nectarine White Tea, and Grapefruit Black Tea.
I've tried them all, but I keep coming back to the nectarine and grapefruit teas. They're smooth, juicy, and wonderful over ice -- I don't know if it's the GABA or the fact that I take the time to savor the flavors, but I definitely feel refreshed and re-energized afterward.
A variety pack of four 12-ounce cans -- one of each flavor -- costs $11.95 at the MyJones Store, but right now four thirsty readers can each win a dozen Jones GABA teas right here at Write. Edit. Repeat. Just leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite way to re-energize.
Share your tip -- a candle-lit bubble bath? A 10-mile run? A box of Godiva? -- before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, May 10! I'll turn to my handy random-number generator and announce the winners at noon on Monday, May 11.
A quick (20 min or less) nap perks me up and will keep me going for another 6 to 8 hours.
Love Jones soda, love to try their new drink. My tip is, I turn on the theme song from Psych and rock out for a few minuets, it really gets my blood pumping and I am good to go for another round. I also sometimes treat myself to a Jamba smoothie with an energy boost, really works
seriously..a anp and then refocus....With all the crap going on these days- do something else instead of worrying about tomm and get today done and be proud of what you have accomplished today.
The way I re-energize is my running on my treadmill!
My favorite way to re-energize is to have a cup of tea and watch either a Nascar race or a soccer game on tv
My daily walk energizes me. These teas sound amazing. Thanks for the chance.
Fishing with my kids
Take a short nap
a nice hot shower
I love this giveaway. Peppy & Healthy too.
Thank you for having this contest.
I have a few ways -- I do yoga, play with my cats, or watch a movie
alison_luby at hotmail dot com
Yoga or a walk help energize me. :)
A walk or two around the block
I mediate in late afternoon, it takes me through the rest of the day.
My fave re-energize is a massage. although infrequent helps to clear the mind.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
A well deserved break
A shower
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
My favorite way to re-energize is by sleeping naked in between cool silk sheets.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I enegize quickly by cranking up the stereo with some hair band hits of the 80's. It gets me moving in no time at all.
A power nap if I can....else coffee
re-energizing at work: a quick little walk and a cold beverage. reading a magazine outside
re-energizing at home: hiking in the hollywood hills. having a drink on the balcony
time in nature
a few drinks after work mverno@roadrunner.com
I do a light work out
A high protein snack of smoked turkey and a cheese stick rolled up in a fresh whole grain blini ( still warm off the grill iron) is my favorite way to recharge and energize.
My favorite way to re-energize is by having a healthy snack, either some yogurt or fresh fruit does the trick.
20 minute nap and I am good to go for another 8 hours! Power names rock!
it depends - coffee or tea, or if I really need to re-energize, a nap
A little exercise (maybe a short walk) and some upbeat music -- I have a playlist on my ipod for this exact purpose :-)
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] comom
Singing an energetic song with movement (for some people, that means "like no one's looking").
For me it's simple. 20 minutes of peace and quiet with a magazine and a cup of coffee.
I like Green Tea, i know i am getting health benefits too:)
A brisk walk is my favorite pick me up, particularly if there's a Starbucks along the route where I can get a soy chai latte.
Ooh I love Jones Soda! :) Thanks so much.
My tip for re-energizing: a bath soak with essential oils or bath salts. Works every time! Sometimes a quick jog will help also, clears the mind and re-energized the muscles. I also drink a LOT of green tea, it's a natural antioxidant. I drink it daily, and haven't been sick with a real full on cold in around 2 years! :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
A quick nap and something refreshing to drink!
I haven't tried Jones soda, but it sounds terrific. My favorite way to energize is to put on my CD or DVD of that wonderful "Stand by Me" (Playing for Change)that we all saw on the famous Utube video! It just makes me perky and happy in minutes!!
A nap is really the only thing that does it for me.
a hot shower
The way I re-energize is my running on my treadmill
My favorite way to re-energize is drinking a margarita in the shower.
i re-energize by drinking lots of energy drinks
I crawl out the front door, walk to the end of the street and then over the sands to the Atlantic Ocean. Then minute my toes touch the water my brain starts to engage.
After the first few steps I go from shuffling to walking, from walking to dancing. My day improves from then on.
Be it recovering from a bad Sox game, a case of writers block. Or just the world getting me down. Something about the water the waves, and it being right outside my door.
Always cheers me up and puts me back on track.
Usually a quick power nap - no more than 20 minutes or a 30 minute walk (minimum) walk around our neighborhood.
A 30 minute nap in the afternoon can do wonders to get me throught the rest of the day.
A quick run around the block without my jacket on.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Weekdays I am partial to a Diet Coke in the afternoon. On the weekend a late afternoon nap is good.
a quick nap will do wonders when you are tired.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
A short nap then an energy drink will usually do it.
Some chocolate gets me going for awhile.
i usually drink coffee sadly as it seems. jdpowdercoating@yahoo.com
Taking a bath or shower re-energizes me!
A nap and diet pepsi!
mercsmercado at yahoo dot com
An energy drink and some music
I re-energize with a brisk walk.
I re energize with a small nap my husband does with a can of red bull
I am still looking for a perfect way to re-energize. I am hoping that winning this will help!!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I like to re-enrergize by laying on my bed and doing the sudoku. Sometimes I'll drift off for a few minutes even. But I'll get up much perkier mentally and physically.
I run cold water over my wrists and then use a cool washcloth on my neck and face. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
lock myself in the room w/ my IPOD and play my favorite playlist.
Wearing something bright and happy usually perks me up.
I like to go for a walk!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I relax with a cup of tea and a good book.
yikes - all these people are SO good!
I don't have the time to make myself re-energize. I have to rely on caffeine.
I 'RE-ENERGIZE' by having a swedish massage twice a month!
Thanks for the 'great' giveaway offering!
Please, include me in your drawing!
Good luck to all!
A quick nap in the afternoon works best for me!
My favorite way to re-energize is to take a shower. It refreshes me and makes me feel relaxed and ready to start again. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
On my lunch hour I drive to the local park. I sit under my favorite tree,listen to my favorite light jazz on my Ipod and eat my lunch. There is something about watching children play and laughing which is just so relaxing. It helps me re-energize for the rest of the day.
Taking a nap during the afternoon really peps me up, otherwise a bubble bath is my other favorite option. thanks for the giveaway!
Caffeine is definitely my reenergizing tool A nap just makes me more sleepy lezanac@yahoo.com
Re-energize, re-energize.......oh that thing I haven't done since the 3rd month of a pregnancy that was over long ago? Lol. Laughter perks me up or anger, but I prefer laughter. My little one makes me laugh. Also, taking a walk outside. Must be the vitamin D.
themeimlookingfor at yahoo dot com
I've burned at set of CDs each one geared to a different need, like nerves & anxiety, energy music, mood elevating music, inspirations, claming, etc.
Usuallly watching an old black and white movie does it for me since im such a buff on them, brings me right back to par. electricsland(at)gmail.com
I have my private stash of chocolate that keeps me going.
I take a quick nap (no longer than 25 minutes) and then do some basic stretches to help my old muscles and bones out!
I re-energize by marching in place, taking a brisk walk, doing some jumping-jacks or any kind of brisk movement for a few mins. It wakes me up instantly!
working out it my garden really gets me going i love it :)
If I stay hydrated, my energy level stays pretty decent. If I don't drink enough water, I tend to get lethargic.
Plenty of sleep and sensible exercise.
A Coke or other caffeinated drink is the only thing I've found that will give me a little energy. I'd love to try these drinks, because I'm worn out all the time!
ahhhhhh a kiss from the greatest boyfriend on earth does it for me...
Ideally, I love to grab a quick nap to re-energize. But who has time for napping? In reality, a snappy song usually gives me enough oomph to get going! Thanks for the chance to win such a cool prize! (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)
I like a hot shower
A meditation session re-energizes me! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Sometimes I just need to take time out for myself whether it is to catch up on my reading or to pamper myself with a pedicure. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I like to do some dancing. or watch some Friends dvds.
A long hot shower :)
Listening to some fast music helps.
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