Friday, November 7, 2008

Doing away with the overstuffed diaper bag

My youngest kids are old enough that I can get away without hauling around a massive diaper bag, but I wish I had known about this great little invention while they were still tiny. The Over Tote System by Ellie Bags was created by a mom who -- like many of us -- was tired of having to juggle her baby and all of his stuff at the same time.

Gearing Up
November 2, 2008
A Piggyback Tote

By Lylah M. Alphonse, Globe Staff

The Over Tote System by Ellie Bags holds all of your baby's diapering essentials, and instead of taking up room inside your handbag, it simply slips over the top of it. It comes with a changing pad, wipes pouch, bottle or sippy cup holder, carrying strap, and a backup bag that you fill with all of those bulky baby things you can't do without. It's easier than hauling a huge diaper bag around. The Over Tote comes in several colors and attaches and detaches easily; it need not be a permanent addition to your purse. It is on sale for $57 at (or call 716-629-3340). [More]

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