Monday, April 19, 2010

In the Parenthood: A new blog at

My new blog at is live! Please join me at In the Parenthood for discussions about parenting news, tips, tricks, and trends, and be sure to update your feed readers and bookmarks.

Here's what we're looking at right now:

At, Dr. Leah describes a situation that might make many single parents nod and cringe at the same time. A single dad, who has been the primary caregiver of his kids for the past five years, fields a request from his broke ex-wife: "Will you please let me stay on your couch for Mothers Day?"

You can weigh in here.

Have a parenting topic that you'd like me to tackle? Please feel free to drop me a line at WriteEditRepeat (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also catch the latest by following me on twitter: @WriteEditRepeat.

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