Monday, July 14, 2008

Older and Wiser? My Newest Resolutions

I gave up writing New Year's Resolutions nearly a decade ago; instead, every year on my birthday, I write out what I want to do to improve myself or my life. This year, I shared them with my readers at Work It, Mom!:

When I was a kid, my New Year’s Resolutions were all about the things I thought I was supposed to be doing — practicing my violin every day, getting As in school, being nice to my brothers, etc. As I grew older, the resolutions changed, but the idea behind them didn’t; they were still about the things I thought I was supposed to be doing. Each year, I’d vow to lose weight (why did I want to do this? I had a killer body back then, and no idea what to do with it), ace my performance reviews at work (the same as getting As at school, really), learn how to be less of a control freak (about 10 years ago I decided that you can’t be a control freak if you can’t control yourself, and I set to work on that instead). ... [More]

What to know what I've resolved to do as a Working Mom? Read the rest at The 36-Hour Day, and share your resolutions in the comments!

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