Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Interview with the Co-Founders of Little Jet Set

I'm undercover as the Work It, Mom! Team today, with a new interview with Hana Wolf and Nisha Cordero, co-founders of Little Jet Set. Both women left their careers as lawyers to raise their kids, and, in June of last year, launched their first entrepreneurial venture together -- Little Jet Set, an online boutique catering to parents and children who travel often.

You can read all about them here, but among the revelations was this little nugget: Working from home is sometimes more difficult than visiting a foreign country with your children in tow.

Which has been more difficult, traveling to another country with small children, or working from home with them?

Hana: Working from home! I’ve mastered traveling solo with one child (at least my own).

Nisha: I find it hard to “quit” for the day when I have an idea in the works or an obstacle to address. ... The issue is knowing when to stop. I recently traveled to India with my children (over 25 hours of flight time) and I can honestly say that my kids and I weathered the journey well ... [More]

There are plenty of other interesting offerings in the Work It, Mom! article archives...

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