Friday, November 2, 2018

Beat the Press: Is the Press Taking Trump's Rhetoric Too Personally?

Tonight, I’m on WGBH-TV at 7 discussing the media on “Beat the Press,” with host Emily Rooney, former NECN newsman Mike Nikitas, and WGBH’s Adam Reilly and Callie Crossley. 

We’re talking about how the media handled coverage of Whitey Bulger's murder, whether the press is taking Trump's “enemy of the people” rhetoric too personally, and how social media is (or isn’t) policing hate speech properly. Plus: our weekly rants and raves — mine was for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (image at left), their coverage of the terrorist attack at the Tree of Life synagogue, and their breathtaking front page today, with a line from the mourners’ Kaddish as their headline.

You can watch the each segment here: 

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