Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Please join me over at Shine!

Sorry for the week-long silence, but I've started a new job, and posting may be a bit light while I find my footing. After 16 years at the Boston Globe, I've left the newspaper biz -- though not journalism! -- and joined the team at Yahoo!'s Shine, where I'm the Senior Editor in Shine's Manage Your Life section. (I'm especially amped because I started blogging for Manage Your Life when Shine launched in 2008, when the section was called Work + Money.) So, please stop by and see what Shine has to offer! Who couldn't use a little help managing her life?


Alysia said...

I will miss you at the Globe, but look forward to checking out your work at Shine. Good luck!

Julie Dennehy said...

It was great to meet you... love to keep in touch and will be reading your work at Shine. Congrats and best of luck as you find your footing!