Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do more with less: 5 websites that can help you save money

I seem to be really focused on two things right now: food and money. Last week I was all about trying to get along with my slow cooker and whipping up some Superbowl snacks; this week, I'm looking for ways to save money when I shop online. Because if you have to buy stuff, you might as well get as much as you can for as little as you can, you know?

Here are my five favortites (for details, check out the whole story at The 36-Hour Day):

1.) Coupon Cabin. Coupon codes to websites from Abercrombie to Zappos.

2.) Baby Cheapskate. Online deals for and great information about baby essentials.

3.) Want not. Combing the web to find the best bargains out there.

4.) Money Saving Mom. For learning how to coupon effectively, roll with the CVS extra bucks, or reap the Walgreens rebate savings, as well as tips on how to make the most of your money.

5.) Consumer Savvy Tips. For those of you who are looking to save money over the long haul, rather than a few dollars right now on a particular purchase.

1 comment:

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