Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tipping the work-life balance scales

For the most part, my work-life balance scales are tipped toward work: When I'm not at the office, I'm commuting to or from the office, trying to come up with freelance ideas, working on freelance stories, or fielding or finessing pitches.

But for the past few days, I've been letting work slide a bit. Not the actual work, per se, but the emotional and mental work that goes on in the background, before and after the actual work gets done. Here's what I mean:
Instead of coming home from the office and then scrambling to get dinner on the table and the kids into bed before settling down with my laptop and a mile-long to-do list, I’ve been letting the kids stay up a late, sitting with them around the wood stove, telling stories. My laptop stayed closed for more than a few hours at a time. We watched Kung Fu Panda yesterday — twice — and I actually watched it with them, both times. The dining table, my default work surface since the desk in my home-office nook is covered in crap carefully organized stacks of papers, is being used for it’s true purpose. And, after dinner last night, instead of ushering everyone out of the room so I could do the dishes, I made hot fudge sauce and we ate it with huge glops of ice cream — even the 2-year-old, who dipped his spoon in the sprinkles and called it “cake.” ... [More]

Simple, right? Not for me, not usually. In fact, I know I'll get slammed with work (and stress) once I head back to the office. But for now, I'm enjoying the life part of my juggle. What about you? Do you search for balance, find balance, or just keep juggling?

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