Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pretty and practical jewelry for new moms

I wish I'd had something like this cool Teething Bling pendant whem my babies were teething, but even now, they come in handy (my 4-year-old will happily do pretty much anything in exchange for being allowed to wear the necklace to school).

October 5, 2008

Gearing up
Chew on this, baby

By Lylah M. Alphonse, Globe Staff

Anyone who has ever traveled with a teething tot knows that, short of handing noise-canceling headphones out to everyone around you, there isn't much you can do to keep things quiet in flight. Consider these stylish necklaces another weapon in your baby-gear arsenal. Teething Bling pendants, keychains, and bangles by Smart Mom look like expensive jade, onyx, or coral, but are made from a food-safe silicone that's free of phthalates, lead, and other toxins (they're dishwasher-safe, too) and they can be chewed on. The pendants are about $19 at Hip Baby Gear (80 Washington St., Marblehead, 781-631-5556) and online through the many sites listed at smartmomjewelry.com. [More]

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