Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Day in the Life of a WOHM

Some days, it's not work that makes it difficult to find work-life balance -- it's life. A recent Saturday really drove this point home for me, so I detailed the drama over at The 36-Hour Day. The blow-by-blow of the morning is much too long to put here, so I'll get right to the heart of it:

11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Honestly, this part of the day is kind of a blur. ... I know I did four loads of laundry. I know I put away the groceries. I know I distributed ice pops and fed everyone lunch. I know I put the toddler down for an all-too-short nap, and that I refereed a few fights (including one that broke out after one of the big kids started lecturing the other two big kids about their previous fight) and ordered all three big kids to read in separate parts of the house because I was certain that they were going to kill one another if they stayed in the same room. I looked at my to-do list and realized that there was no way any of the freelance work on it was going to
get done. ... After dinner, there were baths and bed and cleanup and laundry. And, in spite of all of this, I still feel like I didn’t get anything done. And I’m trying to understand why. [More]
Working moms, do you ever long for the office so you can feel productive? Stay-at-home moms, how do you manage your juggle? Read the rest -- and share your comments -- at The 36-Hour Day.

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