Monday, April 14, 2008

New! Thursday Tips at The 36-Hour Day

Every Thursday, I post tips and life hacks over at The 36-Hour Day. So far, I've touched on ways to deal with business trip guilt and how to get the most out of your money. This week: going green for Earth Day:

Tuesday (April 22) is Earth Day, the 38th annual celebration of environmental awareness. While “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” has become the eco-friendly mantra of our generation, there’s more to going green than adhering to those three Rs and toting your groceries in cloth bags (though if you’re feeling crafty, try sewing your own). Here are a few other simple things you can do to preserve our planet. ... [More]

What are the tips?
  1. The next time a light bulb burns out in your home, replace it with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL).
  2. Do your spring cleaning naturally, with baking soda, vinegar, and olive oil.
  3. Eliminate junk mail, either yourself or by using a service like GreenDimes.
  4. Get rid of your gas guzzler, and explore biodiesel or raw-vegetable oil-fueled cars.
  5. Get your kids in on the act, with PBS television's “Trash to Treasure” competition for kids age 5 to 19.

Read the details over at The 36-Hour Day! And, while you're at Work It, Mom!, take a moment to celebrate the site's first birthday. Great prizes are being given out daily -- all you have to do is leave a comment on the Contest page.

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