June 10, 2007
Kid stuff to soften the realities of family travel
By Lylah M. Alphonse, Globe Staff
Gone are the days when you could keep the kids amused with a rousing game of "I Spy" while on the road. And the threat to "go home right now!" has the same hollow ring as back in the day. Here are 10 products that will take the edge off getting there with children and make things easier once you arrive. ... [More]
There's a gorgeous slide-show of the products to go with it, too.
Wondering what the 10 products are? Well, here you go! (Click on the story itself for more details)
1.) A great bag: Sasha's mini Bucket Bag from Howda Designz or the clever Skyway backpack (which has zippered compartments and a detachable lunch box).
2.) Entertainment: A dual-screen DVD player for the car, preferably with headphone jacks, like this one by Disney or this one by Axion.
3.) Drinks: Juice Pal holders add handles to most standard-size juice boxes or pouches.
4.) Snacks: The Snack-Trap by Made for Mom (get a 20% discount until Sept. 30 with code 20globe).
5.) Avoiding nausea: Motion sickness relief bands are a drug-free way to keep nausea at bay.
6.) Non-electronic entertainment: Klutz offers a wide range of kid-friendly on-the-go activities. I love their Kids Travel Backseat Survival Kit.
7.) Sleep: Lilly Gold's Nap-Sac is a diaper bag that opens out into a changing station and also can be used as a bassinet.
8.) Tracking devices: The Giggle Bug toddler tracker works similarly to those fobs that help you find your car keys. Except this one's louder. And you clip it onto your kid.
9.) A great stroller: The Sit 'n Stand LX is a stroller with a toddler-friendly jump seat. It's not much bigger than a regular stroller -- definitely a plus in a crowded airport.
10.) Quick diaper changes: The Pronto mini-changer by Skip Hop keeps everything you need for a diaper change in a compact, easy-to-grab clutch.
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